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Launching the AMSI Initiative: A Common-Sense Approach to Support Services Standards
Success requires clear guidelines, and strong support services are no exception. Effective support services can only be built on the foundation of voluntary consensus standards that reflect accumulated practical experience. This is especially important for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), who rely on consistent, high-quality care.
The lack of proper standards leads to misunderstandings, inadequate funding, and high turnover in the direct support workforce. This results in inconsistent care, leaving individuals with IDD and their support workers without the help they need and ultimately harming everyone’s well-being.
To address these challenges, we are launching the American Support Standards Institute (AMSI). Our mission is to create voluntary consensus support standards that:
✓ Ensure the quality and consistency of support for individuals with IDD.
✓ Promote the well-being and retention of direct support workers.
By developing these standards, AMSI aims to build a stronger, more reliable support services industry, creating a brighter future for individuals with IDD and the dedicated professionals who support them.
Success requires clear guidelines, and strong support services are no exception. You can’t build effective support services without clear, reliable standards. This is crucial for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who need consistent, high-quality care.
The lack of proper standards leads to misunderstandings, poor funding, and high turnover in the direct support workforce, causing inconsistent care. This leaves both individuals with IDD and their support workers without the help they need and hurts the well-being of everyone involved.